
I wonder if I put a few words here?

Week7 storytelling and vedio

Most effective way to Backing Up Data

I think there are only 2 approaches to teaching about backing up data in lecture, one is storage media and the other one is cloud. But people should get 3 copies of their data, 2 are in different storage media and 1 in clouds. I think using storage media to back up data is the most effective way. Computer can read, wirte and save data very fast right now. People can back up data in their comptuer hard drives or mobile drives. Therefore, they are able to read or write their data any time. For me, I really enjoy to write some short stories or experience of traveling. When I am traveling, I may not able to connect to WIFI and use cloud to store, I can only write inspiration and travel experience on laptop and store them in mobile drive.


I think I am good at telling stories. Because I really like to read stories and listen stories from other people and on youtube. I think I am good at know my audience and paint a picture in the listeners’ mind. The initial audio anecdote is a good story for teaching people to remember back up data. But I think the story is a bit too old-fashioned. When I heard the fire was mentioned at 1 minute and 7 seconds in the video, I knew that the next story must be the sad story of forgetting to back up and losing computer data. If I am going to tell people a story about do not forget stories, I will say “When I was a system administrator in the law library, I was quite surprised when one day Jen a third year law students came into my office with a distressed look on her face asking for help with her brand new laptop. As I started working on her new macbook I gently asked her if she was doing okay. After a long pause I looked from her laptop and saw that she was starting to tear up, slowly and with a tremor in her voice she told me that on saturday, her favorite dog passed away because of being too old. She wants to back up photos of dogs on her new computer. But her old computer was sprinkled with coffee before, she wants to know it is possible for me to help recover the photos, because this is a precious memory between her and her dog. Unfortunately I can’t back up or recover photos and videos from empty. So please remember to back up your data, cherish the fruits of your labor and your memories. ” If you only lose your computer in a fire, it’s actually a luck in misfortune. People will think not all of them will encounter fires, but everyone has the fruits of their labor and their cherished photos and videos. I do believe more people will back up data after listen my stroy. My stories are usually end in normal or in people’s laugh. In this leture, I learned the storytelling can also have end with a positive takeaway. My storytelling should help people learn something.

Effective thing in an eductional video

In my opinion, signalling principle in the most effective way to letting people notify what is important in a video. In a video, people can use movable mouse points out important part and also important point can be flashing.


Week 7: Storytelling and video. EDCI 337 Interactive and Multimedia Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved December 6, 2021, from https://edtechuvic.ca/edci337/2021/10/18/week-7-storytelling-and-video/.

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